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Bio-based Polymeric Composites Incorporating Granular Activated Algae Biomass

When: 9-12 March 2022

Venue: Brasov, Romania

12th International Conference on Materials Science and Engineering

Granular activated algae technology for wastewater treatment and resources recovery - 

Graalrecovery project presentation 

When: 11 - 13 May 2023

Venue: Iași, Romania

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Influence of Chlorella vulgaris biomass content on the thermal behaviour of styrene butadiene styrene composites

When: 27-29 September 2023

Venue: Bucharest, Romania

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Thermal study of styrene-butadiene composites with arthrospira platensis biomass

When: 27-29 September 2023

Venue: Bucharest, Romania

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When: 27-29 September 2023

Venue: Bucharest, Romania

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Structural consequences of styrene block copolymers on polymer composites properties with Arthrospira platensis biomass

When: 13-16 March 2024

Venue: Brasov, Romania

Influence of styrene block copolymers structure on properties of composites with Chlorella vulgaris biomass

When: 13-16 March 2024

Venue: Brasov, Romania

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The influence of paraffin oil content on the properties of styrene butadiene styrene composites with Chlorella vulgaris biomass

When: 13-16 March 2024

Venue: Brasov, Romania

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Preparation and characterization of microalgae polylactic acid composites using Chlorella vulgaris biomass

When: 13-16 March 2024

Venue: Brasov, Romania

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Study on the greenhouse gas emissions of algal biomass as green waste landfill

When: 27-29 September 2023

Venue: Bucharest, Romania

Economic evaluation of microalgae production costs - a perspective in sustainable development

When: 9 June 2023

Venue: Oradea, Romania

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Biodegradation study of Styrene-butadiene Composites with Arthrospira platensis Biomass

When: 20-23 June 2023

Venue: Balatonfurd, Hungary

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Efficiency of Nordic Green Microalgae for Nutrient Removal and Resource Recovery from Wastewater

When: 8-10 June 2022

Venue: Turku, Finland

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Optimizing Nutrient Content in Microalgae under Fed-batch Cultivation using Wastewater

When: 13-15 December 2022

Venue: Rome, Italy

12th International Conference on Materials Science and Engineering

The influence of granular activated algae technology on wastewater treatment economic profile

When: 11 - 13 May 2023

Venue: Iași, Romania

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On the structural consequences in the thermal degradation of styrene block copolymers

When: 20-23 June 2023

Venue: Balatonfurd, Hungary

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Stability effects of microalgae extracts in SBS substrate

When: 20-23 June 2023

Venue: Balatonfurd, Hungary

Influence of biogenic material content on biodegradability of styrene-butadiene composites with Chlorella vulgaris and Arthrospira platensis biomass

When: 20-23 June 2023

Venue: Balatonfurd, Hungary

Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe

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Granular activated algae technology for wastewater treatment and resources recovery

Code: RO-NO-2019-0691

Acronym: GRAALrecovery



This project is funded by Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021, under Grant Agreement no. 27/2020

Programme: Research RO-02 operated by UEFISCDI

Funding: 1.160.543,00 euro

Timeframe: 2020-2024